Yes yes, Voconut is back to shake the throne of Babylon. Live acts from the Voconut Records' artists, Ali Slayer, Klaustro, KNBO, and Obookubo.You already know them, but if not, what I can say is, you can miss your child's birth but you should not miss this.Date 23.01.10, pitch Peyote. Also, this night is the launch party of
Well, the series will continue at Pixie on saturday night.Datafobik, Traktor, GGman and Guven will be behind the decks.Unfortunately, I have lots of things to do in Ankara and I can not be there with my dear comrades.Buuut, I've a word for you who are in Istanbul, DO NOT miss it.Be careful, punishment will be severe. Btw, tonight, GGman, Traktor and Guven gonna play at Karga Bar.This is the invasion of Khalkedon...
Last night on Mary Anne Hobbs's BBC Radio 1 show, Starkey built a brand new track called "Moments of Mine" from scratch during the two hour show with the help of Anneka on vocals and Reso on percussions as announced nearly a month ago as a first of a new series called "Building the Beat".He used the samples that were sent to MAH from producers, DJs and listeners for this night. The photos of this special production is here, and also they filmed the event.Later, it will be up on MAH's youtube channel. The track is downladable, go get it.
Sad sad news we got today.Vivian Jackson aka Yabby You, one of the greatest&legendary voices of reggae died yesterday in Clarendon, Jamaica.What a terrible start to 2010.
If you are a Battlestar Galactica fan, this will make your day.Create Digital Music, Pitchfork and Xlr8r join their forces together with TV network SyFy and create a free, 13 track compilation that is inpired by the upcoming TV series Caprica. The compilation includes songs from various artist but Hudson Mohawke, Untold, King Midas Sound, Willits & Sakamoto and Lusine are the ones that attract my attention.To be honest, i don't expect this compilation to be this good.You can download it from here.
As the African Cup of Nations 2010started this week, nothing will be better than a kuduro album to celebrate it.Benjamin Lebrave from Akwaaba Music sent me this album last week, which is due to be released on 12th of January from iTunes.Well, I can say this is one of the best kuduro albums I've listened so far. Killamuis part of the kuduro scene for 10 years, and he is one of the names that contribute to the development of the genre.He explains it all in the video below.
The best thing about this album is, it is not limited to classic kuduro sounds, you can feel the kizomba and semba flavors troughout the album.Even, while listening to Vai Con Calma you may think Carlos Lamartine visited Killamu in his studio, and while he was there, they made this magnificent song.Another thing that makes this album special is, Killamu cannot stop himself from experimenting on his music that we are not familiar to hear from other kudurists. Do not neglect this pure and sometimes aggressive energy rising from the streets of Luanda.If you have no idea about kuduro and music of Angola this album will be a good start for you.First listen to the mixtape below and then go get it when it's released.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artik Turkce yazmicam demistim ama dayanamadim.Yukardakinin birebir cevirisi degil ama idare edin iste.Skylife styla.. Afrika kupasinin basladigi su gunlerde bir kuduro albumunden daha iyi bir hediye olamazdi.Akwaaba Musicten Benjamin gecen hafta Killamunun 12 ocakta cikacak albumunu yolladiginda bu kadar tutulacagimi tahmin etmiyordum bu albume.Simdiye kadar dinledigim en iyi kuduro albumlerinden biri diyebilirim. Luandadan bizi selamlayan Killamu 10 senedir kuduro sahnesinde yeralip gelismesine katkida bulunan isimlerden. Album kuduroyla sinirli degil, adam kizomba ve semba havalarini benimsemis ve muzigine yedirmis ozellikle Vai Con Calma'yi dinlerken sanki Carlos Lamartine kalkip gitmis Killamuyu studyosunda ziyaret etmis hazir ordayken beraber sarki yapmislar gibi hissedeliyor.Diger kuduristlerden pek alisik olamadigimiz deneylere de girismekten kendini alikoyamamis Killamu. Kuduro ve Angola muzigi hakkinda bir fikriniz yoksa bu iyi bir baslangic olacaktir, en kisa zamanda edinin albumu.
Cihangir'deki yeni gozde mekanimiz Mini Muzikhol duzenli olmasini planladiklari Fokus gecelerini baslatiyor.Simdi onlara baglanip tanitima bakalim, soora diyeceklerim var:
"FOKUS Etrafta ve Undomondo işbirliğiyle düzenli olarak yapmayı hedeflediğimiz, çeşitli tarz ve sesleri derinlemesine masaya yatırdığımız bir gece. Bu gecelerin ilkinde saat 22:00′den itibaren BBC tarafından yayınlanan The Story of Reggae adlı belgeselin ilk bölümünü izliyor, ardından da Karayiplerden çıkmış olan, calypso, ska, rocksteady, loversrock, reggae, dub ve dancehall tarzı müzikler eşliğinde eğleniyor olacağız."
Simdiii, bu gecenin selectalari undomondo’dan Mersenne, etrafta’dan Çağlar ve Ali Y.Caglari tanimiyorum ama Mersenne ile Kimmeryali Ali Y nin seckisine sonuna kadar guvenirim.Bu geceye gitmeyen tas olur, biliyorum hepiniz gideceksiniz.
PS: Bu da bu blogun son Turkce postu olsun.Bundan sonra patois yazicam burda, anlayan beri gelsin.Boylece googleda 'kankalar' aramasiyla buraya gelen dostlarimizla vedalasmis olacagiz, yani isallah!!
Mark Anthony Myrie aka Buju Banton 10 Aralik gunu tutuklanmasinin ardindan Miamide bir cezaevine konulmustu.Haber alinir alinmaz hayranlari ve arkadaslari tarafindan ufak bi Free Buju hareketi baslatilmisti bile. Assagida bu hareketten iki Free Buju sarkisi var